Arthur Atkinsons Guide to SOLID FUEL & FIREWOOD

Sourcing Premium Housecoal, Smokeless Briquettes & Firewood to ensure our customers receive the best fuel for their chosen appliance
Firewood: Supplied in Nets, Midi Bags, Barrow Bags, Bulk Bags & Tipped Loads

Arthur Atkinson // Nets
Measure: 40/65 cm
Approx: 10-12 Logs (Stacked)

Arthur Atkinson // Midi Bags
Measure: 60/100 cm
Approx: 25-30 Logs (Loose filled)

Arthur Atkinson // Barrow Bags
Measure: 50/50/100 cm
Approx: 4 midi bags (Loose Fiiled)

Arthur Atkinson // Bulk Bags
Measure: 90/90/90 cm
Approx: 9 midi bags (Loose filled)

Arthur Atkinson // Tipped Load
Approx: 1.2 Cubic Metres
Housecoal & Smokeless Briquettes

Arthur Atkinson // Sealed
Clean and easy to handle

Arthur Atkinson // Midi Bags
Delivered to your property & tipped into a bunker/coalhouse

Arthur Atkinsons team when delivering solid fuel still deliver in the the traditional way and carry the goods on their back. Our firewood is delivered in your chosen quantity and placed as close to your required location as possible. We deliver in all weathers and at times this can be tough so please be kind to our delivery team.
Lead times in peak season can extend to 5 working days, sometimes longer in extreme weather. So please help us help you by ordering before you run out of fuel and allow enough lead time for us to make your delivery. We will always endeavour to get your fuel to you when you need it but at peak times short notice orders cannot be guaranteed.

- Can Arthur Atkinson make a safe delivery to my property?
- Can my coal be safely tipped into my bunker?
- Is my bunker fit for purpose?

Vehicle & Staff Access To Property
It is the customer's responsibility to ensureaccess is clear and gates are open. This includes VEHICLES, DUSTBINS, PLANT POTS AND RECYCLING BINS so our team can make delivery of your fuel safely